Liviliti Paptizer UVC LED Smart CPAP Sanitizer



The Paptizer, which utilizes 40 UV-C LEDs, has undergone laboratory testing and has been verified to eliminate germs and bacteria such as e. coli, staphylococcus aureus (staph bacteria), candida albicans (fungal diseases), and p. aeruginosa (bacteria that causes infections). To provide optimal sanitization, the Paptizer has five sides and a reflective bottom that can eliminate 99% of the bacteria present on your CPAP equipment. The Paptizer provides 360-degree coverage and can disinfect any item that fits inside the device, including glasses, wallets, keys, and electronics, using only the "Fast Sanitize" cycle.

Uses UVC LED To Sanitizer
UVC LED sanitizers use ultraviolet C (UVC) light to disinfect CPAP equipment and other objects by killing 99% of bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms. UVC light has a wavelength between 200 and 280 nanometers and is effective at destroying the genetic material of microorganisms, preventing them from reproducing.

3 Minuite Sanitization
Save time with Paptizer – the fast sanitization process uses a combination of 40 multidirectional LED’s eliminating 99% of bacteria and viruses from your CPAP equipment at the simple touch of a button in only 3 minutes.

Great for Non-CPAP Items As Well
The Paptizer is a great cleaning device so don't limit it to CPAP masks and accessories. Paptizer can safely and quickly sanitize a variety of other household and medical products -- including dentures, hearing aids, toothbrushes, cellphones, and more.

SAVE MONEY: No Replacement Parts or Filters Needed
Unlike other CPAP Sanitizers, Paptizer doesn't require any ongoing maintenance, adapters, filters or replacement parts. If the exterior or interior of the unit gets dirty it can be wiped down with a soft cloth; but beyond that your Paptizer should never require any upkeep.

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